The beautiful thing about a wedding is, it doesn’t matter what the temperature is outside. You will still be married to the one you love by the end of the day. Winter decided to send an extra exclamation mark this past week, with horizontal snow, and winds that would whip out a curl faster than we could run back inside. But none of it really mattered. The day was beautiful. Surrounded by the ones they love most, Victoria and Michael had a beautiful indoor ceremony at the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club.
One of the most important choice you can make is your venue. It sets the tone for your wedding. And while many locations are gorgeous, it is such a sigh of relief when in the event of inclement weather, you chose a location that is gorgeous both inside and out. From the first look on, these two shared their day and all the joy of coming together as an official family. I am so thrilled I was able to share their day with them. And I was equally as thrilled when Victoria was willing to just roll with it, and go out not once, but twice in 25 degree windy weather for a few photos. Here are a few sneaks to celebrate, not just their day, but the two of them together. Congratulations to you both!